
KDHX Board of Directors

KDHX is licensed to the Double Helix Corporation, a non-profit community media organization that a Board of Directors governs. The corporation is independent of any governmental entity and is not affiliated with any religious or educational organization.

The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that the organization meets its strategic vision goals.
Board members are appointed by the board or elected by the associate members (active volunteers) of KDHX. The board maintains Board Expectations to guide the board's work and to consider new board members. The board regularly reviews the Board Expectations to ensure that they serve the needs of the organization and its commitments to increased board diversity.

The most important aspect of adding board members is ensuring that new members understand the strategic vision of KDHX and the board's role in the partnership with board, staff, volunteers, and listeners. The board has a duty to recruit, nominate, and vet new board members and apply an intentional process to select new members. The By-laws of KDHX allow for up to 15 board members and do not specify a timeline for filling vacancies.

To contact the board of directors, you may email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Open Meetings and Closed Sessions

All meetings of the board of directors, during which official business will be conducted, are open to the public. Portions of each board meeting may be held in executive session due to discussions of personnel matters, proprietary matters, information obtained on a confidential basis or matters requiring confidential advice of counsel. Executive sessions are closed to the public.

2025 Meeting Times and Locations

Board meeting dates are listed below. Meetings are held online via video conference at 6:00 p.m. Changes to the meeting dates or times will be posted to this website with as much advance notice as possible.

Without advance notice, the board of directors may convene a closed executive session to discuss or conduct confidential matters. 

Board of Directors Meetings

  • March 31

KDHX Board of Directors

  • Gary Pierson - President
  • Paul Dever - Vice President
  • Joan Bray - Secretary
  • Ray Finney - Treasurer
  • Courtney Dowdall
  • Jeffrey Fernhoff
  • Franc Flotron
  • Caryn Haddix

Recent Meeting Minutes


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