KDHX Volunteer Spotlight
KDHX Volunteer Spotlight: Mack

Host of Chelsea Hotel
Wednesday, 7-9 a.m.

Show Description: 
Inspired by the iconic New York bohemian paradise, Mack delves into the often-overlooked gems of the 60s and 70s. Each edition of Chelsea Hotel unearths the music history of the time. Check-in and check it out. Enjoy your stay at the Chelsea Hotel.

What would would you like to share with KDHX listeners and readers about yourself?
I was born and raised in Texas. With a background in theatre, I've always been a music lover. I've been singing for as long as I can remember, and I've been learning the drums since June 2023. I also like to roller skate and sew. I have a bearded dragon named Beans and a toad named Baroque.

Please describe the inspiration for your show.
As I was in the midst of reading a Janis Joplin biography and delving into her discography I took a trip to the National Blues Museum. I turned a corner to see a giant photo of Janis smiling outside of the Chelsea Hotel in 1969. I thought "Chelsea Hotel. That could be a cool name for a radio show." And here I am months later hosting Chelsea Hotel on KDHX. My show is inspired by the New York bohemian paradise that housed numerous well-known artists such as Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, and Andy Warhol.

Why is KDHX important to you and to your community?
KDHX has provided me with this incredible and unique opportunity to share my current jams with a whole community of people that appreciate music as much as I do. It's an invaluable resource for music lovers to unite and discover new music together.

What are some of your favorite KDHX shows?
Get Around Sound
The American Confluence
Night Grooves

What record do you think everyone should have in their music library?
Houses of The Holy - Led Zeppelin
Let It Be - Beatles
Cheap Thrills - Big Brother & The Holding Company

Favorite thing you are listening to at the moment?
Harumi (album) 1967

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