KDHX Volunteer Spotlight
KDHX Volunteer Spotlight: Tommy The Cat

Tommy The Cat
Host of A Walk In The Moonlight
Friday, 1-3 a.m.

Show Description: 
Join Tommy The Cat as he rips St. Louis to shreds in the dead of night. If it's loud and aggressive, it's in Tommy's zone. Sharpen your claws, grab your catnip, and take A Walk In The Moonlight with Tommy The Cat.

What would would you like to share with KDHX listeners and readers about yourself?
I was born the runt of the litter. My brothers and sisters towered over me, their paws bigger and stronger, their meows louder and more demanding. Yet, despite my small size, I had a spirit that refused to be overshadowed. 

Please describe the inspiration for your show.
When you're always last at the food dish, it brings out your aggressive side. But it also teaches you patience and determination. I knew I had to fight for what I wanted, and that fire is what fuels my show every Friday.

Why does being a KDHX DJ matter to you?
Being a KDHX DJ matters to me because we need voices from our communities, playing music our communities enjoy, to build KDHX's mission to amplify underrepresented voices aligns perfectly with my own journey. As a tomcat who clawed his way from the alley to the studio, I understand the importance of giving a platform to those who might otherwise be unheard. Every song I play is a testament to the power of perseverance and the magic of music to bring us together.

Why is KDHX important to you and to your community?
KDHX isn't just a radio station; it's a lifeline. It brings people together, offering a platform for local artists, musicians, and storytellers who might not have a chance to be heard otherwise. So, when you listen to KDHX 88.1 FM, you're not just tuning into a radio station. You're becoming part of a community that values creativity, diversity, and the power of a good story.

What are some of your favorite KDHX shows?
Shows like Rocket 88, Thick As Thieves, Chelsea Hotel, Ska's The Limit, Juxtaposition, and Kut's Klassikz showcase the incredible range of music and talent humans have when they pour their hearts and souls into their art.

What record do you think everyone should have in their music library?
I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I might incriminate myself. I know my rights. I want my phone call. But seriously, music is such a personal experience. What resonates with one person might not hit the same note with another. That's the beauty of it. Everyone's music library should be a reflection of their unique journey and taste. Judgement Night Soundtrack.

Favorite thing you are listening to at the moment?
You know, I always love the sound of a lid being put on a garbage can. It's such a simple noise, but there's something satisfying and hopeful about the prospect of a meal inside.

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