KDHX Community Spotlight: 10th Annual Tower Grove Pride Festival
KDHX is proud to be a media sponsor of the 10th Annual Tower Grove Pride Festival
The annual community-powered Pride festival will be held on Saturday, September 23rd and Sunday, September 24th in Tower Grove Park.
The 2023 Tower Grove Pride Festival will feature numerous booths representing local artists, crafters, nonprofits, and businesses; two stages of entertainment, a Sunday walking parade (which anyone can join!), activity areas, food and drink vendors, and of course - fun!
Families, kids and pets welcome.
For more information, towergrovepride.com
From Tower Grove Pride:
Tower Grove Pride is a community-powered independent Pride festival in Tower Grove Park.
We are LGBTQ+ centered with a broad mission to support and promote social justice for every disadvantaged, oppressed, or undervalued community.