Film Reviews
Photo courtesy of Sideshow/Janus Films

French writer/director Catherine Breillat creates films that unsettle viewers in ways few other directors dare. In “Last Summer,” her first feature in ten years, she is again true to form. Centered around middle-aged lawyer Anne’s sexual life, a shocking, unexpected transgression dominates the story. For Anne, a respected professional, initiates and pursues an affair with her seventeen-year-old stepson Théo.

The first scene establishes the film’s focus on sexual conduct and misconduct. In it, in her role as an attorney, Anne advises a sexually victimized young woman, explaining the mistreatment she’ll receive should she testify at a trial. Anne clearly understands cultural attitudes, though she will make daring, injudicious choices as her desire overwhelms good judgment. To Breillat’s credit, Anne exhibits healthy passion for husband Pierre and love for their two adopted daughters. But when Théo, Pierre’s son from his first marriage, moves in with them, her world fractures.

Anne knows full well that indulging this affair endangers her personal and professional world, and yet she surrenders in what feels inevitable, especially given Breillat’s seductive pace, mesmerizing performances, and nonjudgmental approach. Cinematographer Jeanne Lapoirie’s lighting and framing repeatedly present Théo as Anne sees him, an irresistible object of desire, his brown curls falling seductively over his face. As Anne, Léa Drucker is radiant, easing into an affair which evolves into a shocking series of choices. Conventional behavior is questioned, challenged, and upended.

A remake of Danish director May el-Toukhy’s 2019 “Queen of Hearts,” Breillat presents the provocative subject with straight-forward, assertive precision rather than a sensationalized melodrama. In French with English subtitles, “Last Summer” screens at Webster University’s Winifred Moore auditorium Friday, August 2, through Sunday, August 4, at 7:30 each of those evenings. For more information, you may visit the film series website.

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