Thank You For Your Support!
Thanks to everyone who gave a gift of support during our September Drive! We heard from a bunch of new donors and from people we haven’t heard from in a long time. So many current donors gave extra gifts and lots of our monthly donors increased their monthly support. We also heard from people who tune in daily from all parts of the country (Colorado and Texas have a lot of KDHX listeners!).
If you look around on the internet these days, you will find an abundance of articles about the role of music during the pandemic. There are studies about the biological and neurological effects of music as well as the cultural role music plays around the world. KDHX listeners could certainly be included in any study being conducted right now. It is clear from what listeners shared with us during the Drive that music has a direct effect on their moods, that they crave and enjoy the stimulation that goes along with discovering new music and that they find comfort in the act of listening. They also have a true appreciation for the relationships they have formed with the DJs who provide them with such a unique listening experience.
The September Drive deeply solidified the fact that music is vitally important to people and that KDHX is heavily relied on to be one of the main sources of music for our listeners. We are so grateful to everyone who chooses to support KDHX and who recognize its value, not just for themselves, but for everyone who tunes in.
If you didn’t have a chance to give a gift in support of KDHX’s commercial-free and independent programming during the Drive, you can do some at any time at Support.KDHX.org.
On behalf of all of the KDHX volunteers and staff--Thank you!
Donor Relations
(314) 925-7529