Ronnie Wisdom and Andrea Dunn taking on new roles at KDHX
We are excited to announce that Ronnie Wisdom and Andrea Dunn will be taking on new roles at KDHX.
Both of these role shifts reflect priorities in our strategic plan around community engagement and volunteers.
Ronnie’s role will shift to Director of Community Connections. As the director of the community connections department, Ronnie will continue much of the work of his current department while adding two focuses: leading the continued development and implementation of our community engagement plan and leading the community advisory board.
Andrea will be leading a new department for KDHX: Volunteer Connections. Long in the works, the volunteer connections department will strengthen the connection between volunteers and each other, volunteers and staff, and volunteers and the community.
Andrea has chosen to take on this new role to fulfill her vision of creating a culture for volunteers in which they can thrive in their roles and to create a culture of belonging among all volunteers.
Read more from Andrea about the new volunteer connections department.
The community connections and volunteer connections departments will deeply collaborate to expand and engage audiences and community partners, support volunteers in their roles at KDHX, recruit new volunteers, and connect volunteers to KDHX partners and KDHX-supported community events.
Andrea’s shift away from fundraising will open the position of Director of Donor Connections. Our fundraising calendar is in place for the rest of the year, and with the support of Ronnie, Kelly, and other staff, she will continue to guide our fundraising efforts until a new director is hired. We remain committed to the community-centric fundraising model and are excited to add new people to our staff team who align with those values.
In partnership,
Kelly, Andrea, Ronnie