Inside KDHX

The mission of KDHX is to build community through media.

Purpose Statement:    
KDHX uses the power of music and education to engage and unite individuals and communities. 

Responsible Stewardship: We believe that the proper management of organizational resources, people, things, and ideas is in the best interest of the organization’s long-term health & sustainability.

Unwavering Independence: We believe that KDHX’s independence is at the core of its ability to create content and showcase independent music without the influence of commercial interests.

Intentional Partnership: We believe the success of KDHX requires partnership between staff, volunteers, donors, and listeners.

Unyielding Integrity: We believe that KDHX is and must be people-centered, transparent, and honest.

Boundless Discovery: We believe that KDHX is built on music and education facilitated through individual joy of discovery.

Contagious Passion: We believe that KDHX encourages passion in individuals and leverages that passion into positive community building.

Unbridled Joy: We believe KDHX should inspire ecstatic experiences.

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