Top 10 Albums of 2022: Rhythm Highways
Top 10 Albums of 2022: Rhythm Highways
Rhythm Highways
DJ East Side Slim
Thursdays | 5:00am-7:00am
Big Creek Slim & Rodgrigo Mantovani - Stone In My Heart (Straight Shooter)
Bob Corritore and Friends - You Shocked Me (SWMAF / VizzTone)
The Dig 3 - The Dig 3 (Self-Released)
Kirk Fletcher - Heartache By The Pound (Ogierea Records)
Diunna Greenleaf - I Ain't Playin' (Little Village Foundation)
HowellDevine - Strange Time Blues (DynaPhonic Records)
Lily Locksmith - Lily Locksmith (Enviken Records)
Doug MacLeod - A Soul To Claim (Reference Recordings)
Larry McCray - Blues Without You (KTBA Records/Larry McCray)
Vaneese Thomas - Fight The Good Fight (Blue Heart Ent.)
From East Side Slim:
The year 2022 was a very good music year in all genres, but the blues was exceedingly rich with amazing releases. A rebound of sorts from the depths of pandemic? You betcha! Producing the list this year was the most difficult yet in my years of doing this sort of thing – my initial ‘culling’ was 53 albums, without including compilations or reissues. SO MUCH GREAT MUSIC! My personal thanks for every singer, artist and musician choosing to create and release the healing balm that is blues and roots music. Now good reader, get out there and listen up, and please be good to each other! East Side Slim (Rhythm Highways)
Check out the Rhythm Highways archives and playlists.