A magical night at The Fabulous Fox
By Joanne Fistere
On Saturday night, December 7th, my husband and I attended “The Illusionists: Magic of the Holidays” at the Fabulous Fox in the St. Louis Arts District. We don’t have any children, but the show, featuring jaw-dropping wizardry from all five illusionists, was a perfect entertainment for kids of all ages (including my husband who turns into a five-year-old at the mere prospect of seeing great magic)!
Production values were excellent with a simulcast projection on a large screen above the stage; even the most subtle card tricks could be enjoyed throughout the show. Beautifully costumed assistants added an additional layer of intrigue to the event.
My favorite of the five featured performers was clearly Chris Cox, “The Mentalist”. He accurately predicted randomly selected strange requests that audience members had placed in sealed envelopes that were kept in a locked box on stage. He also knew audience members’ exact birthdays, street addresses, and even random pet names. I have absolutely no idea how he did it – the only explanation is “magic”.
Kevin James, The Inventor, and David Williamson, The Trickster, were also brilliant combining improvisatory comic prowess with the deftest sleight of hand. Both recruited youngsters from the audience as their volunteers who were subjected to gentle humor and up-close magic. These two performers were a terrific combination of The Wizard of Oz and Art Linkletter (kids, look him up!).
The show was rounded out spectacularly by James Moore (The Deceptionist) and Pablo Canovas (The Unforgettable), the latter an award-winning prestidigitator from Spain. Locked cabinets, levitation, card tricks, all presented with a modicum of humor and warmth. To me there is nothing quite as enjoyable as participating in an audience’s loud laughter or communal gasps.
We won’t miss another opportunity to see “The Illusionists” should they return to St. Louis – and neither should you!
“The Illusionists: Magic of the Holidays” was one night only at The Fabulous Fox. For tickets and information for other holiday shows go to www.fabulousfox.com.