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Tuesday, March 04, 2025
11:00 am

Women Run St. Louis: Yelp St. Louis

YOU’RE INVITED! Experience Women Run St. Louis throughout the month of March. We’ve partnered with incredible women owned and operated businesses throughout St. Louis to celebrate Women’s History Month. From boba tea flights to disco dive bars, there’s many ways to celebrate with Yelp St. Louis. 
⁠Community Experiences and Events are open to anyone with a Yelp profile. Looking forward to celebrating STL one woman owned business at a time!⁠

Participating Women Owned Businesses:⁠ Sum Tea House, The Fattened Caf, La Forme Fitness, Golden Gems, Hidden Gem, Vanilla Sugar Bake Shoppe, Sqwires Annex

For more information,

5:00 pm

Music: The Art of Seeing

Bruno David Gallery

Bruno David Gallery presents Music: The Art of Seeing, an exhibition of new paintings by Frank Schwaiger. Frank Schwaiger’s art has been widely exhibited. He is a graduate of the Washington University in St. Louis, School of Architecture (Now the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts), and received his Master from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, where he worked with Buckminster Fuller. He lives and works in St. Louis and is the director of the Columbia Foundation for the Arts, St. Louis, MO. In conjunction with the exhibition, Bruno David Gallery will publish a catalogue of the artist’s work with an in-depth exhibition history and bibliography. 

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